Sunday School News...
All students start at the youth building for the start of Sunday School at 9:45 am.
We will have a group activity, then at 10:10 am move to our split sessions.
Girls will stay at the youth building and the boys will walk up to the church to room 165.
Megan Broscious and Candy Jett will be leading the girl's study.
Chad Broscious, Daniel Clark, and Richard Gallaher will lead the guy's study.
The study is Authentic Love.
Study description:
Every day we are invited into a world where we can create, customize, and even change our identity.
We become consumers in a culture that tells us we can have whatever we want whenever we want it. Speaking directly to the hearts of teens.
Authentic Love: Christ, Culture, and the Pursuit of Purity exposes culture’s distorted messages about purity and love and reveals how God has created us for a lifestyle of personal holiness.
Over the course of 8 or more sessions, girls and guys will examine five attributes of holiness that shape our identity. They will be challenged to reject the self-serving influences of culture and embrace what it means to live as godly young women and godly young men who reflect the character of Christ.
Parent, Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Chad Broscious 865-660-0959 / Megan Broscious 865-719-1304