History of
Beech Park Baptist Church

Our Story
We believe that it is no accident that you are here. God has sent you to this church to be an active part of our corporative ministry efforts. God emphasizes this clearly in his word stating in Ephesians 4:16, “From whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.”
Because of the growth that God has blessed us with we have moved twice and have continually had to come up with creative ways to provide space for everyone that God has sent our way. This class has been created to be a tool for new members such as yourself to be able to use in order to quickly become assimilated into Beech Park Church ministries. The Bible says in Mark 10:4, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.”
Here at Beech Park, we believe that everyone that has been born again is gifted to do ministry (Eph 4:7). It is our purpose at Beech Park not only to make you feel welcome, but to help you find your place in the ministry that God has gifted you to be able to do and become an integral part of a local New Testament church that is actively winning the lost and making disciples.
In 1864, Winter Gap, now called Oliver Springs, had grown in population until it was felt that a regular church was needed. Rev. Joshua Frost and other ministers of the Baptist faith met at “shed over the spring” referred to as Sulfur Springs and organized a Baptist church. Within a short time, a large log church building was erected on a lot donated by Moses Winter a few hundred feet to the east of the springs. This building served the Baptist Church until 1905 when a frame building was erected across the street. This Baptist Church subsequently divided in June 1904 to establish two twin churches: Oliver Springs First Baptist Church and Beech Park Missionary Baptist Church.
In 1904, there were a series of important events that shaped the history of Oliver Springs. On May 20, 1904, Mr. B.H. Sprankle of Knoxville conveyed to the Trustees (not named) of Beech Park Missionary Baptist Church property of lots 134-136 and 173-175 in the west-end addition of Oliver Springs. It was said that Preacher Bill Fritts and Preacher Bill Brummette went to Knoxville and closed the deal with Mr. Sprankle on the church lots. They came back from Knoxville on a train and were so happy that they walked the half-mile to the site of the church lots, knelt, and began praying. The deed was received at Kingston for registering on June 6, 1904. Registering fee was $1.50, donated by the registrar. On June 21, 1904, an organizational council met at Beech Park for the purpose of organizing and constituting a church. The organizational council was composed of the following: Rev. E.B. Booth, Rev. Henry C. Wilson, Rev. Nicholas Reynolds, and Brother T.W. Evans.
Beech Park has come a long way from its beginning in 1904 when church services were once a month on a Saturday night. God has been constant in His blessings for those who have been faithful and committed to Him. We hope that God is sending you to our church to become a fruitful part of the history of Beech Park as we strive to glorify God in all that we do and say for Him.
Beech Park’s Mission Statement
Beech Park Baptist Church exists for the purpose of glorifying God through individual outreach, evangelism, local and foreign missions, and for the maturing of the saints through Sunday school and discipleship programs. (Matt 28:18-20)
Love, Learn, and Lead
At Beech Park, it is our goal to create an environment that will promote a simple biblical strategy of spiritual growth. “Love, Learn, and Lead” is our discipleship desire for you as you mature in Christ until He calls you home into His presence. Whether you are a new Christian or you have been saved for many years, this plan puts everyone on the same page, singing the same note and walking in the same direction. In a society that is constantly making things more and more complicated, we believe that the ministry of the church should remain simple. Therefore, our church staff has provided this guidance to help our entire church family accomplish what God has called each of us to do.
It’s Simple!
Love God through, Worship
Learn about God through, Sunday school & Small Groups
Lead others to God through, Ministry, Outreach & Missions
Our goal is to have an atmosphere of worship that demonstrates our LOVE for God which brings honor and glory to Him through His son, Jesus Christ. This is done in our worship service where He alone is the central theme of all singing, preaching, praying, teaching and giving. We trust that each member would make it a priority in his or her life to attend a worship service weekly to corporately give public honor and praise to our Eternal King.
We also strive for all Christians to steadily grow in their faith in God. It is our belief that this can be accomplished as we LEARN about God through our Sunday school & Small Group ministries. We desire that all believers, children through adults, grow in their personal relationship with Jesus. At Beech Park we understand your busy schedule and offer Bible studies and courses in our facility which allows us to keep things simple by offering classes to each member of your family on the same campus at the same time. Sunday school will be your easiest way to meet others and get plugged in here at BPBC. It is also the major way that we will distribute detailed information to the church body.
A by-product of a genuine personal growth is a willingness to serve and LEAD others to God through a personal faith in Jesus Christ. At BPBC, we are constantly encouraging all our members to have a true servant’s spirit and be willing to serve and give of themselves. Many opportunities of weekly service are located on our campus through ministries such as worship choir, greeting, ushering, teaching, parking attendants, food service and many others. We actively go into the local community with ministries like, “Boxes of Love”, Visitation and our Transportation ministry. We are also involved in mission projects here in East Tennessee as well as our international mission trips around the world. We are hopeful that each member of Beech Park will participate in some way by reaching out to lead others to the Lord through one of our many ministries of service and outreach.